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音樂短劇-聽禱告的神 (Drama with Music- Listening God)

音樂短劇-聽禱告的神 (Drama with Music- Listening God)


聖誕節快到了,教會正忙著佈置聖誕裝飾,而美美期待著與家人出遊,雖然不盡人意,但她卻知道了基督徒可以禱告,而這位神也是一位聽禱告的神。(Christmas is approaching. The church is busy decorating Christmas decorations. Meimei is looking forward to traveling with her family. Although it is not satisfactory, she knows that Christians can pray, and this God is also a God who listens to prayer.)


    Please go to the top right of the homepage to link to the International Music Library (IMSLP) to download and listen to this score and music file. If you want to collect it, please purchase the score book here. A4 size straight type, plastic binding, color printing on the front and back cover, beige forest paper on the inner page, black and white printing. The printed part is printed by inknet, and the cost of printing within 304 pages is 616 yuan.


    The author retains the intellectual property rights of the musical score book, and the buyer can use it for music academic research, music performance, collection... and other purposes. If there is any reprint, it will be investigated.

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